Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Girl Interrupted Analysis Essay - 1848 Words

Girl, Interrupted (1999) directed by James Mangold is largely based on a semi- autobiographical book by the same title. The movie chronicles eighteen year old Susanna Kaysen’s experiences surrounding her stay at a mental institution. It is 1967, a time of social change and unrest. Susanna makes a half-heart attempt at suicide, ingesting a bottle of aspirin and chasing the pills with a bottle of vodka. She is taken to the emergency room, her stomach is pumped and she survives. Afterwards she meets with a psychologist who explores her more recent feelings and experiences. The psychologist concludes, with her parents assent, that she would benefit from a stay at Claymore, a private mental institution. The next year and nine months forever†¦show more content†¦At the end of the movie the two girls make peace and Susanna leaves wanting an eventual full recovery for Lisa. This serves as the best example of â€Å"a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationsh ips characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation†.(2) A subpart of this particular criterion is â€Å"markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self†.(2) Susanna self image is not only unstable, but also largely negative. She alternates from moments of self acceptance and goal orientation to times of a general depression and a pervading sense of confusion. When asked by her high school guidance councilor what she wishes to do with her life, Susanna replies with a high degree of certainty that she wishes to be a writer and not a housewife like her mother, yet at the same time she has no interest in college and has no actual plan for achieving her goal. Susanna can be seen, as was popular and socially acceptable at the time, smoking cigarettes throughout the entire movie. She can also be seen experimenting with marijuana and drinking social. More significantly she can be seen engaging in casual sex with a number of different partners. Susanna has relations with a professor who was also the father of one of her high school classmates. She can be seen having casual sex with a boy that she meets and befriends at a party and then again when he comes to visit her at the institution. She developsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Girl Interrupted2171 Words   |  9 PagesMovie Analysis: Girl, Interrupted. Brittany Clontz Nursing 114 Girl interrupted is a gripping tale of a girl’s maladaptation to the challenges of life. The movie focuses on a young girl named Suzanna Kaysen growing up in the 1960s and struggling with the world around her. Suzanna is admitted to Clarmoore institution after she consumes a whole bottle of aspirin and alcohol to deal with her pain. When admitted to Clarmoore she claims she was not trying to commit suicide, but that she just had a headacheRead MoreGirl Interrupted Analysis1122 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Larkins novel, The Pause follows Declan O’Malley, a depressed 17-year-old and his life after attempting suicide. On the other hand, James Mangold’s 1999 film, Girl, Interrupted tells the story of 17-year-old Susanna Kaysen and the way she deals with being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder after a failed suicide attempt, and being placed in an institution. Both texts are focus on around the effects that mental health has on teenagers. The two texts ex plore the three themes of supportRead MoreGirl Interrupted Film Analysis858 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: AN ANALYSIS OF GIRL, INTERRUPTED. 1 An Analysis of Girl, Interrupted Irvelt Nicolas And Alyssa Reilly College of Staten Island Read MoreGirl Interrupted And Night Analysis1017 Words   |  5 Pagestheir memoirs to exhibit their true intentions. In Girl, Interrupted and Night, Susanna Kaysen and Elie Wiesel manipulate these devices to reveal how enduring agonizing moments in life, can assist with finding one’s individualism. Susanna Kaysen highlights the difficulty with being institutionalized for two years in her memoir, and Elie Wiesel narrates his journey of being imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. Within the memoirs, Girl, Interrupted and Night, authors Susanna Kaysen and Elie WieselRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Girl, Interrupted Essay1303 Words   |  6 PagesSuzanna Kaysen, the author of the memoir â€Å"Girl, interrupted† found herself questioning the notion of normalcy after being admitted to a psychiatric ward due to a suicide attempt in 1967, Kaysen insists she was misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder. After reading Kaysen’s narrative, I concluded that th e diagnose was indeed inadequate, although Kaysen exhibited symptoms of mental illness, she wasn’t suffering from borderline personality disorder, as she there was a lack of evidence to supportRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Girl Interrupted 1252 Words   |  6 PagesGirl, Interrupted is a captivating and striking film about the struggle of coming to terms with mental health and overcoming personal obstacles to allow treatment and support. While the main character Susanna Kaysen stays in the Claymoore psychiatric hospital, she is introduced to a whole new world, one where she is forced to confront the fact that she has a mental illness and needs professional help. The film begins with Susanna and the other girls from the hospital sitting in somber silenceRead MoreAnalysis Of `` The Yellow Wallpaper `` And The Memoir Girl, Interrupted By Susanna Kaysen1515 Words   |  7 PagesCharlotte Perkins Gilman, and the memoir Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen all tell the story of three women slowly descending into mental illness. Esther, the main character of The Bell Jar falls into a deep depression and attempts suicide despite appearances of being successful. The unnamed narrator of The Yellow Wallpaper becomes insane under the care of her physicist husband, John. And Susanna, the autobiographical main character of Girl, Interrupted, attempts suicide by overdosing on sleepingRead MoreOne Flew Over A Cuckoos Nest And Girl Interrupted Literary Analysis1862 Words   |  8 Pagespsychiatrist. He symbolizes freedom, life and the power of an individual against a repressive establishment. Throughout the novel, McMurphy’s mental state continue s to be questioned as his rebellious behaviour escalates with hospital authorities. In Girl, Interrupted, directed by James Mangold, a conclusion is made upon Susanna Kaysen’s mental stability after a 20-minute interview. This short time frame results in Susanna spending the next two years in the mental asylum. She finds herself stuck between choosingRead More Girl, Interrupted Essay1244 Words   |  5 Pages Girl, Interrupted Part I: Critical Analysis Author: Susanna Kaysen. Girl, Interrupted: New York Division of Random House. Inc 1993. 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is the author’s topic? The author’s topic is about a teenager name Susanna Kaysen. At 18 she voluntarily turned herself into McLean Hospital. 2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Identify the author’s main idea(s). In other words, what is the main point the author is attempting to make aboutRead MoreGirl, Interrupted By Susana Kaysen1114 Words   |  5 PagesSummary: The novel, Girl, Interrupted is a memoir of author Susana Kaysen’s life and her journey through early adulthood as she suffered with Borderline Personality Disorder. The novel captures her time at McLean Hospital, a psychiatric hospital located in Belmont, Massachusetts. Kaysen divides the novel into separate anecdotes of events and fellow patients she encountered during the two years she was admitted at Mclean. Kaysen was only eighteen-years-old on April 27, 1967 when she was first admitted

Monday, December 16, 2019

Supported by the lines Free Essays

The first thing that can take immediately one’s attention about the poem is its rhythm. The lines contained therein would be appealing for children to read, but they would have difficulty in interpreting its meaning. I, for one, distinguished the meaning of the poem as something like a tiger stalking through the forest in the dead of the night. We will write a custom essay sample on Supported by the lines or any similar topic only for you Order Now Yet, I also imagined that the poem talks about a constellation of stars resembling the shape of a tiger in â€Å"the distant deeps or skies. †The first paragraph is clear that the tiger is walking along through the forest, perhaps hunting for its prey. This is supported by the lines â€Å"In the forest of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry. † The would-be-prey in this poem could be a human being. The man fearing the tiger because of the lines â€Å"and when thy heart began to beat, what dread hand? And what dread feet? in what furnace as thy brain? what the anvil? What dread grasps dare its deadly terror clasp? † The poem was always in an â€Å"inquiring mode. † Meaning, it asks so many questions; literally, the poem is littered with question marks. The reader would find it sometimes difficult to read the poem with ease and fluidity, because what he unconsciously does is to pause after a line, then tries to answer the question for each line. Nevertheless, the poem did manage to create a sense of beauty surrounding the mystery of the tiger hunting in the night. After reading the poem, I arrived at the conclusion that the poem will appeal to children because of its rhythm and the subject of the poem, yet it would appeal also to inquiring adults because of the intricacies posed by the questions in the poem. Three questions for other students; 1) What does the word â€Å"Lamb† in the poem stand for? 2) â€Å"On what wings dare he aspire? † what does this line mean? 3) Why did William Blake describe â€Å"Tyger† as burning bright? How to cite Supported by the lines, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Assurance Security and Privacy

Question: Discuss about the Assurance Security and Privacy. Answer: Sony Privacy Just like many other multinational organizations, Sony encounters a progressively advanced threat environment especially in the aspect of information security. The number of third party individuals aiming at compromising the information of transnational corporations is persistently increasing. In reaction to this frequent occurrence, Sony has founded an Information Security and Privacy organization chaired by a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Besides, the company has initiated international security approaches and standards, and intercontinental privacy strategies, which set forth the firms assurance for information privacy and security and describe processes and practices to be adhered by every personnel in Sony Inc. (Sony Corporation, 2016) Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in collaboration with his association is left with the responsibility of developing and ensuring full global execution of the aforementioned strategies and standards. This company works hand in hand with people responsible for information safety and privacy at Sony Group companies internationally to generate Group-broad information safety as well as personnel information administration coordination. Under the close management of the CISO, the firm incessantly reinforces internal rules and regulations and commercial processes to further fortify the information security administration model of the Sony Group and lead to the fortification of private information. Acknowledging that workforce consciousness of information security and privacy is essential, Sony needs training initiatives for all internal publics to increase awareness and augment the general level of information security and safety of peoples privacy. The protection of Sonys crucial and confidential information, especially the one which belongs to the companys customers and employees, remains an international priority. Encryption in Sony Encryption is defined as the process of encoding or converting given information into a code in such a way that only authorized parties will access it. On itself, this process does not curb unapproved intervention but denies comprehensible content to a prospective interceptor. In January 2012, Sony Company adopted CLEFIA Encryption Technology as the organization's global standard. CLEFIA is an efficient, significantly protected block cipher which was developed by Sony in 2007. The dimension of the block is 128 bits in length, while the key length of 256 or 192 bits can be selected (Sony Corporation, 2012). In order to make the CLEFIA more dependable, the algorithm description and design of CLEFIA are openly accessible to allow public assessments by interpreters in the global arena. CLEFIA Encryption Technology is the transnationally-homogeneous cipher in ISO/IEC 29192 Lightweight cryptography. Note that ISO and IEC are abbreviations and their full meanings are (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) (Sony Corporation, 2012). High Performance Based on a leading-edge cipher strategy modus operandi, Sony's CLEFIA block cipher upholds an extraordinary confidence level while offering both world-prominent hardware and software execution competencies, the combination of which had evidenced challenging till at present. Once executed in hardware, it accomplishes the world's ultimate hardware gateway effectiveness. When implemented in software it achieves high speed performance on an extensive assortment of processors. Advanced Design CLEFIA is recognized by coordinating customary design performances and recently established design procedures.CLEFIA utilizes Diffusion Switching Mechanism, which safeguards invulnerability against chief spasms. Furthermore, the allotment of functions between the information dispensation fragment and the fundamental programing fragment means lesser expenditure since the gateway dimension is reduced ( Sony Corporation, 2011). Sony Policies Since its inception, Sony Company has firmly been devoted to offering customer-oriented and high-quality products and services to its consumers across all of its businesses. This particular viewpoint is described in the Founding Prospectus conscripted in the year 1946 by Company's co-initiator, Masaru Ibuka. The Firms Group Code of Conduct, incepted in May 2003, requires Sony Inc. to unceasingly pursue equipment that empower it to conform to or surpass legitimately authorized criterions in all commercial undertakings to ascertain the safety of its merchandises and services (Sony Corporation, 2016). To replicate fluctuations in its functioning setting, in April 2012 Sony refurbished the Sony Pledge of Quality, which puts down the firm's basic policy on brand and consumer service quality. This change was meant to reinforce responsiveness of Sony's assurance to ensuring that the superiority of its merchandises and purchaser services outdoes the anticipations of its clienteles everywhere in the world (Sony Corporation, 2016). In 1998, Sony Company ratified a Global Policy on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), which functions as a Group customary and reveals Firm's obligation to the health and safety of its workforces. This policy not only necessitates amenability with nations' and states' bylaws regarding OHS but also arrays out supplementary undertakings to be taken on through its health and safety administration configuration (Corporation 2016). Sony Organizational Structure Sony Company has initiated an in-house organizational structure for CSR enactment, controlled by an association founded at Sony Corporation center of operations and superintended by the executive officer responsible for CSR. The business plans and arranges goals for CSR-associated inventiveness makes these edges known all through the Sony Group and offers pertinent information to the general public (Sony Corporation, 2016). The subdivision correspondingly unveils CSR-related evidence to the public, endorses exchange of ideas with interested parties, reports on many peripheral contributions to the CSR officer, and works to make sure that these exterior contributions reach relevant administrators as well as pertinent constituent parts at control center (together with those in charge of legal matters and conformity, the environment, procurement, brand quality, marketing, and human resources) and are assimilated into organization's engagements. The pertinent subdivisions then execute CSR undertakings all through the Group by safeguarding plans and initiatives thus incorporated are taken to Group corporations (Sony Corporation, 2016). Moreover, on March 29, 2001, Sony Company proclaimed its intent to transmute itself into a Personal Broadband Network Solutions Corporationfor the imminent broadband complex social order which was predicted to thrash out around 2005 (Sony Corporation, 2001). As a cohesive showbiz establishment, Sony is creating organizational modifications meant to deepen its collaborative connection with millions of consumers internationally, providing a multiplicity of merchandises and facilities enhanced for the broadband world. As the broadband complex epoch nears, Sony Company will take advantage of its exceptional mishmash of hardware and gratified resources. Sony has by now moved confident (Sony Corporation 2016) in this course with AV/IT conjunction, the "4 network gateway" stratagem, the solidification of semiconductor/device expansion as well as the conception of a grid harmonious content business structure. Physical Security Policy in Sony Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is renowned as an international leader in collaborative and digital entertainment. SIE is accountable for the PlayStation product and kinfolk of brands and services. SIE's Company Security Sector (CS) has a general obligation for safeguarding the safety of all SIE workforces and facilities. The CS players allow the artistic procedure and sustain global throughput by fashioning anodyne and safe working environments. The CS crew is encompassed of Security Technology, Protective Services, Physical Security, Emergency Management professionals, and 24x7 Operations Center (GSOC). In teamwork, the Lineup devices, guides, and organizes undertakings connected to the defense, protection, and physical security of Sony Business possessions, product, officials, personnel, invitees, and others (Mateo, n.d). The CS Team safeguards the firms properties and individuals from impairment; retain the physical boundary secure and safe. It also assesses and evaluates the changing level of physical security hazards that might influence the industry. These comprise of threats and perils to individuals, belongings, processes, and brand. The CS Group also recommends and implements hazard vindication procedures and strategies centered on company best practices. It serves as a team principal for investigations (Sony, 2017). Bibliography Sony Corporation, (. (2016, September 7). Basic Policy and Management System. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/csr_report/employees/support/index2.html Sony Corporation. (2001, March 29). A New Group Structure for the Next Stage of Integrated, Decentralized Management. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press_Archive/200103/01-017E/ Sony Corporation. (2011, June 15). Implementation of CLEFIA. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/Products/cryptography/clefia/about/feature.html Sony Corporation. (2012, January 26). CLEFIA The 128-Blockcipher. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/Products/cryptography/clefia/ Sony Corporation. (2016, September 7). CSR Organizational Structure. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/csr_report/about/organization.html Sony Corporation. (2016, September 7). Information Security and Privacy. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/csr_report/compliance/index8.html Sony Corporation, S. (2016, September 7). Philosophy and Policy for Product Quality and Services. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/csr_report/quality/policy/ Sony Corporation. (2016, March 25). Sony Corporation announces changes to organizational and management structure. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony Global: https://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/News/Press/201603/16-028E/ Mateo, S. (n.d.). SONY PLAYSTATION IS HIRING AN. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony PlayStation: https://betalist.com/jobs/39032-area-manager-physical-security-at-PlayStation Sony. (2017, 1 1). Privacy Policy. Retrieved 4 10, 2017, from Sony online: https://account.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/liquid/info/privacy-policy.action?flow=

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Moma Duck And Her Seven Eggs Essays - Aviculture, Ducks, Egg

Moma Duck And Her Seven Eggs Once upon a time, there was a moma duck who was waiting for her 7 eggs to hatch. She was really exited, her friends the ducks were really happy too. She waited along time. Finally the day came in the morning about 9:00am she felt the eggs hatching, she scream with happiness, "Everybody the eggs are hatching come see them!" The ducks came running quickly. Finally the eggs hatch, the little ducks started saying "momy", then after that the yellow ducks started saying "Momy please teach us to swim, we want to learn how to swim, and fly." Moma duck say okay I'll teach you'll how to swim and fly. Then she say come on children, but when she turned around she saw one egg that did not hatch. She said " O my good there still is one more that hasn't hatch." Children we have to wait for your brother or sister. The little eggs started saying " No mom you promised us." Moma said after this egg hatch I'll teach you all 7 to swim and fly. The little ducks were really mad After four hours the egg started hatching the ducks were really happy, but when the egg hatch a really ugly, purple duck said "Momy." The other ducks started saying "He is ugly!" Moma duck say " I'm sure my son duck will turn yellow after a few hours, but if not I don't care you are all my children and I love you'll no mater what." After a few hours of playing, swimming and flying the ducks were happy except the purple duck. He wasn't happy because his brothers and sisters did not play with him because he was different he felt left out.. After a few days they stated liking him better even if he was different, because he loved his brothers and sisters and he was very nice and tried to play with them. Moma duck was happy because they loved his son as they all did. MORAL: Not matter if anybody is different you you don't have to dislike them just because there are different.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Find the Draco Constellation

How to Find the Draco Constellation Draco is a long, winding constellation easily visible to northern hemisphere observers. Its one of those star patterns that actually does look somewhat like its name, tracing out the long body of an exotic dragon across the sky.   Finding Draco Constellation Locating Draco is pretty easy in clear, dark skies. The best way is to first locate the north star Polaris, or look for the Big Dipper or the Little Dipper. They are on either side of the long body of the celestial dragon. Its head is at one end, near the constellation Hercules and its tail is up near the bowl of the Big Dipper.   This chart shows Draco in relation to nearby constellations of Ursa MInor (the Little Dipper) and Hercules. Click to enlarge. Carolyn Collins Petersen Draco Constellation Mythology The ancient Greeks envisioned Draco as a serpent-dragon, which they called Ladon. They placed it close in the sky to the figure of Hercules. He was their mythical hero who, among many other notable actions, killed the dragon as one of his twelve labors.  Over the centuries, the Greeks spoke of Draco going after heroines, particularly the goddess Minerva, as well as his adventures as the son of the Titan Gaia. In contrast, the ancient Arabic astronomers saw this region of the sky as home to two hyenas attacking an infant camel who is part of a mother group of older camels. The Stars of Draco Constellation Draco has fourteen brighter stars that make up the body of the dragon, and many others that lie inside the official IAU-designated region for the constellation. Its brightest star is called Thuban, which was our north star at the time the ancient Egyptians were building their pyramids. In fact, the Egyptians angled certain passageways inside the pyramids to point directly at Thuban. Thuban existed in a region of the sky that they believed was a gateway to the afterlife.  Therefore, if the passageway pointed there, the soul of the pharaoh would have a direct pathway to his reward. The official IAU chart showing the region of the northern hemisphere sky that contains constellation Draco. IAU/Sky Publishing. Eventually, due to the procession of Earth on its axis, Thubans position in the sky changed. Today, Polaris is our north star, but Thuban will be the pole star again in about 21,000 years. Its name is derived from the Arabic term that means snake. This chart shows how Earths north pole precesses as Earth wobbles on its axis. The result is that the pole appears to point at different stars over the course of 26,000 years. Right now it points at Polaris, but in the past (and in the future) Thuban is a target. Based on a graphic provided by Tauolunga, via Wikimedia Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 license.   Thuban, also called ÃŽ ± Draconis, is a binary star system. The bright one we see is accompanied by a very faint star that orbits very close to its partner. The second-brightest star in Draco is called ÃŽ ² Draconis, with a familiar name of Rastaban. It is near the bright star ÃŽ ³ Draconis, which is also called Eltanin. Interestingly, Eltanin is actually the brightest star in Draco.   Deep-Sky Objects in Constellation Draco This region of the sky has a number of faint deep-sky objects that require binoculars or a telescope to see. One of the most famous is the Cats-Eye Nebula, also known as NGC 6543. Its a planetary nebula that lies about 3,000 light-years away from us and is the remains of a sun-like star that experienced its final death throes some 1,200 years ago. Before that, it gently blew off its material in a series of pulsations that formed concentric rings around the dying star.   The Cats Eye planetary nebula, as seen by Hubble Space Telescope. NASA/ESA/STScI The unusual shape of the nebula is due to the clouds of material blown away from the star by a fast stellar wind. It collides with material that was ejected earlier in the stars aging process. The cloud of material is mostly hydrogen and helium, mixed with other materials. Astronomers suspect there may have been a binary companion star involved, and interactions with it may have caused the complex structure we see in the nebula.   Viewing the Cats-Eye Nebula requires a good small- to medium-sized telescope, since its actually quite dim. The nebula was discovered by William Herschel in 1786 and has been observed by many professional astronomers using both ground-based instruments, the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory.   Observers with good telescopes can also spot several galaxies in Draco, as well as galaxy clusters and colliding galaxies. Its well worth a few evenings of exploration to ramble through Draco and spot these fascinating objects.

Friday, November 22, 2019

James Madison, 4th President of the United States

James Madison, 4th President of the United States James Madison (March 16, 1751–June 28, 1836) served as Americas 4th president, navigating the country through the War of 1812. Madison was known as the Father of the Constitution, for his role in its creation, and a man who served during a key time in the development of America.   Fast Facts: James Madison Known For: Americas 4th president and the Father of the ConstitutionBorn: March 16, 1751 in King George County, VirginiaParents:  James Madison, Sr. and Eleanor Rose Conway (Nelly), m. September 15, 1749Died: June 28, 1836 in Montpelier, VirginiaEducation: Robertsons School, College of New Jersey (which would later become Prrinceton University)Spouse: Dolley Payne Todd (m. September 15, 1794)Children: One stepson, John Payne Todd Early Life James Madison was born on March 16, 1751, the eldest child of James Madison, Sr., a plantation owner, and Eleanor Rose Conway (known as Nelly), the daughter of a wealthy planter. He was born at his mothers stepfathers plantation on the Rappahannock River in King George County, Virginia, but the family soon moved to James Madison Sr.s plantation in Virginia. Montpelier, as the plantation would be named in 1780, would be Madison Jr.s home for most of his life. Madison had six brothers and sisters: Francis (b. 1753), Ambrose (b. 1755), Nelly (b. 1760), William (b. 1762), Sarah (b. 1764), Elizabeth (b. 1768); the plantation also held more than 100 enslaved persons. The earliest education of James Madison, Jr. was at home, probably by his mother and grandmother, and at a school located on his fathers plantation. In 1758, he began attending the Robertson School, run by Scottish tutor Donald Robertson, where he studied English, Latin, Greek, French, and Italian, as well as history, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and geography. Between 1767 and 1769, Madison studied under the rector Thomas Martin, who was hired by the Madison family for that purpose. Education Madison attended the College of New Jersey (which would become Princeton University in 1896) from 1769–1771. He was an excellent student and studied a range of subjects, including oratory, logic, Latin, geography, and philosophy. Perhaps more importantly, he made close friendships at New Jersey, included the American poet Philip Freneau, writer Hugh Henry Brackenridge, lawyer and politician Gunning Bedford Jr., and William Bradford, who would become the second attorney general under George Washington. But Madison grew ill in college, and stayed in Princeton after he graduated until April 1772, when he returned home. He was sickly most of his life, and modern scholars believe he likely suffered from epilepsy. Early Career Madison didnt have a vocation when he left school, but he soon became interested in politics, an interest perhaps stirred but at least fed by his continuing correspondence with William Bradford. The political situation in the country must have been exhilarating: his zeal for freedom from Britain was very strong. His first political appointment was as a delegate to the Virginia Convention (1776), and then he served in the Virginia House of Delegates three times (1776–1777, 1784–1786, 1799–1800). While in the Virginia house, he worked with George Mason to write Virginias constitution; he also met and established a lifelong friendship with Thomas Jefferson. Madison served on the Council of State in Virginia (1778–1779) and then became a member of the Continental Congress (1780–1783). Father of the Constitution Madison first called for a Constitutional Convention in 1786, and when it was convened in 1787 he wrote most of the U.S. Constitution, which outlined a strong federal government. Once the Convention ended, he, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton together wrote the Federalist Papers, a collection of essays that were intended to sway public opinion to ratifying the new Constitution. Madison served as a U.S. Representative from 1789–1797. On September 15, 1794, Madison married  Dolley Payne Todd,  a widow and socialite who set the pattern for the behavior of White House first ladies for centuries to come. She was a well-liked hostess throughout Jeffersons and Madisons time in office, holding convivial parties with both sides of the Congress in attendance. She and Madison had no children, although John Payne Todd (1792–1852), Dolleys son from her first marriage, was raised by the couple; her son William had died in the 1793 yellow fever epidemic that killed her husband. In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, in 1798 Madison drafted the Virginia Resolutions, a work that was hailed by anti-federalists. He was secretary of state under President Thomas Jefferson from 1801–1809. Embargo Act and the Presidency By 1807, Madison and Jefferson became alarmed at increasing reports on upheavals in Europe suggesting that Britain would soon go to war with Napoleons France. The two powers declared war and demanded that other nations needed to commit to a side. Since neither the Congress nor the administration were ready for all-out war, Jefferson called for an immediate embargo on all American shipping. That, said Madison, would protect American vessels from almost certain seizure, and deprive European nations of a needed trade that might force them to allow the U.S. to remain neutral. Passed on December 22, 1807, the Embargo Act would soon prove unpopular, an unpopularity that eventually led to U.S. involvement in the War of 1812. In the 1808 election, Jefferson supported Madisons nomination to run, and George Clinton was chosen to be his vice president. He ran against Charles Pinckney, who had opposed Jefferson in 1804. Pinckneys campaign centered around Madisons role with the Embargo Act; nevertheless, Madison won 122 of the 175 electoral votes. Negotiating Neutrality Early in 1808, Congress replaced the Embargo Act with the Non-Intercourse Act, which allowed the U.S. to trade with all nations except France and Great Britain because of the attacks on American shipping by those two nations. Madison offered to trade with either nation if it would stop harassing American ships. However, neither agreed. In 1810, Macons Bill No. 2 was passed, repealing the Non-Intercourse Act and replacing that with a promise that whichever nation would stop harassing American ships would be favored and the U.S. would stop trading with the other nation. France agreed to this and the British continued to stop American ships and impress sailors. By 1811, Madison easily won the renomination for the Democratic-Republicans, despite being opposed by DeWitt Clinton. The campaigns main issue was the War of 1812, and Clinton attempted to appeal to both those for and against the war. Madison won with 128 out of 146 votes. War of 1812: Mr. Madisons War When Madison started his second administration, the British were still forcibly attacking American ships, seizing their cargo, and impressing their sailors. Madison asked Congress to declare war: but support for it was far from unanimous. The war, sometimes called the Second War for Independence (because it resulted in the end of U.S. economic dependence on Britain), pitted a barely prepared U.S. against the well-trained force that was Great Britain. On June 18, 1812, Madison signed a declaration of war against Great Britain, after Congress, for the first time in American history, voted to declare war against another nation. Americas first battle was a disaster called the Surrender of Detroit: The British, led by Major General Isaac Brock, and Native American allies, led by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh, attacked the port city of Detroit on August 15–16, 1812. U.S. Brigadier General William Hull surrendered the town and fort, despite having a larger army. America fared better on the seas, and eventually retook Detroit. The British marched on Washington in 1814, and on August 23 they attacked and burned the White House. Dolley Madison famously stayed in the White House until she ensured that many national treasures were saved. The New England Federalists met at the Hartford Convention in late 1814 to discuss pulling out of the war, and there was even talk of secession at the convention. But, on December 24, 1814, the U.S. and Great Britain agreed to the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the fighting but resolved none of the pre-war issues. Retirement After his presidential term in office ended, Madison retired to his plantation in Virginia. However, he still stayed involved in political discourse. He represented his county at the Virginia Constitutional Convention (1829). He also spoke against nullification, the idea that states could rule federal laws unconstitutional. His Virginia Resolutions were often cited as a precedent for this but he believed in the strength of the union above all. He took a leadership role in the formation of the University of Virginia, especially after Thomas Jeffersons death in 1826. Madison was also a slave owner- Montpelier had 118 slaves at one point- who helped found the notorious American Colonization Society to help resettle freed blacks in what would become Liberia, Africa. Death Although Madison remained vigorous and active during his early retirement, beginning after his 80th birthday in 1829, he began to suffer from longer and longer spells of fever and rheumatism. Eventually he was confined to Montpelier, although he continued working when he could through the winter of 1835–1836. On June 27, 1836, he spent several hours writing a thank you note to George Tucker, who had dedicated his biography of Thomas Jefferson to him. He died the next day. Legacy James Madison was in power at an important time. Even though America did not end the War of 1812 as the ultimate victor, it did end with a stronger and independent economy. As the author of the Constitution, Madisons decisions made during his time as president were based on his interpretation of the document, and he was well-respected for that. In the end, Madison attempted to follow the Constitution and tried not to overstep the boundaries set before him as he interpreted them. Sources Broadwater, Jeff. James Madison: A Son of Virginia and a Founder of the Nation. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012.Cheney, Lynne. James Madison: A Life Reconsidered. New York: Penguin Books, 2014.Feldman, Noah. The Three Lives of James Madison: Genius, Partisan, President. New York: Random House, 2017.Gutzman, Kevin R. C. James Madison and the Making of America. New York, St. Martins Press, 2012.Ketcham, Ralph. James Madison: A Biography. University of Virginia, 1990.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Analysis of Market Failures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Market Failures - Assignment Example Therefore, in order to counter this market failure, government intervenes, takes taxes from people and provides them the goods which are not provided by price mechanism, such as street lights, lighthouses, police etc These were some cases, where market forces of price mechanism fail to provide the people with the right quantity of goods and results in market failures. However, a new way adopted by most governments to counter market failures is by adopting a mixed economic system, where there is both price mechanism and government control. Whenever the price mechanism fails to provide a good or service, or over or under provides it, the government comes forward and takes care of the market. For example, to counter the overproduction of demerit goods, it increases the taxes on those goods. Similarly, in order to increase the production of merit goods, it usually provides subsidies on them, so that these goods are provided more in the market. Thus, we can conclude from this essay that even the most efficient system of allocation of resources can sometimes fail to allocate the resources in the most efficient way. This situation is known as a market failure, and if not dealt properly, it will lead the market towards inefficiency and hence there is a need for good government control to counter the problem. Â  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis of Price Discrimination Research Paper

Analysis of Price Discrimination - Research Paper Example Product pricing also depends on the availability of competitors in the market and certain rules and regulations of the land. Price discrimination is generally resorted for deeper penetration into the marketplace, to attract more customers from competitors or to attract certain segments. Price discrimination also might be used as a predatory pricing tactic, for setting prices below cost to certain customers, to harm competition at the supplier's level. At times this leads to legal battles. Price discrimination, also known as differential pricing may be defined as the practice by a company of charging different prices to the same buyer or to different buyers for the same commodity or service without corresponding difference in cost. This way we can define three classes of discrimination; Second-degree discrimination: The company charges different prices for blocks of units instead of for individual units e.g. different rates charged by an electricity undertaking for light and fan, for domestic power and for industrial use. Third-degree discrimination: As long as the demand elasticities among different customers are unequal, it will be profitable for the company to group the customers into separate classes according to elasticity, and charge each class a separate price. Some example of price discrimination: Airlines offering a huge discount on the destinations towards not very popular routes. Cinema and theater halls offering discounted tickets to students. Car rental firms cutting prices at weekends. The hotel offers discounted weekend breaks. Air-conditioner and refrigerator companies offering discriminatory pricing during winters. Travel agencies offering discounts for families during the school holidays. Computer manufacturers offering bargain prices when they go for newer versions and intend to offload the existing version quickly. Or sometimes when newer versions arrive in the market simultaneously from more than two manufacturers, then also to attract the customer we see price wars. Newspapers companies offering invitation prices for long duration or during weekends. Â  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Kimberly clark case study Essay Example for Free

Kimberly clark case study Essay Why are major company, like Kimberly-Clark, moving toward relationships in which the supplier managers inventory levels at the retailer? 2. When should Kimberly-Clark handles its logistic needs in-house, and when should external source be used? 3. What other types of business partnerships that Kimberly-Clark can be used to improve supply chain performance? 4. Can pressure such as in the Kimberly-Clark case be used to Kimberly-Clark’s advantage? Traditionally, the retailer handles the replenishment process, and the supplier has no clear information on the demand side or advance warning about out-of-stock situation. As a result, the supplier tends to maintain a certain level of safety stocks as a buffer in order to facilitate sales and the customer would also keep some safety stocks in case of none-supply that causes long supply chain and lacks of flexibility. Through supplier managed inventory programs, suppliers get to know the actual supply and demand and thus can deploy better logistic plans to response the fluctuating market situation. The Cross Media Optimization Study (XMOS) The XMOS study answers the question â€Å"What is the optimal media mix to achieve marketing  goals? † Marketers and advertising agencies can now begin to understand which advertising vehicles, at what frequency, optimally support campaign objectives. Using a research methodology endorsed by the Advertising Research Foundation and recognized by ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research), the XMOS study measures online advertising alongside offline advertising to determine the optimal mix and weight of each medium. The Campaign Kimberly-Clark introduced the Kleenex Soft Pack with television, print, and online. Advertising. The objective of the campaign: build awareness and drive trial. The target: previously hard-to-reach consumers. The Challenge Kimberly-Clark wanted to measure the ability of online advertising to reach segments of their target market that their television and print ads just were not covering. How They Did It The company allocated 75% of its overall advertising dollars to television, 23% to print, and 2% to online. Then they analyzed each medium’s effectiveness in boosting aided brand awareness, brand image, purchase intent. And bundled trial intent. What They Found Online complements offline advertising and delivers the 42% of the audience that is only lightly reached or not reached at all by television. The synergy of magazine and online advertising was the most effective combination for reaching this audience and boosting major key metrics including aided brand awareness, brand image, bundled trail intent and purchase intent. As an integral part of the overall media mix: †¢ Online advertising could potentially deliver 26% of the targ

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cause and Effect Essay - Plagiarism and Cheating :: Expository Cause Effect Essays

Cause and Effect Essay - Cheating School systems today are so lenient in their rules, guidelines and consequences; thus causing cheating, copying or forgeries to be frequently used. Many students take advantage of copying someone else's work whenever they are given the chance. Other times, students will simply have someone else do their work and turn it in as their own, not realizing the effects this behavior can create. This creates a lack of creativity, no sense of responsibility and the students will never acquire new knowledge. These practices of cheating, copying and forgery by students are unethical and should be brought to the surface whenever possible. Students that copy other student's work are hurting themselves in the long run. Their creativity level drops every time they copy or have someone else do their work. After a while of copying and forging, the student's ability to think creatively and successfully becomes next to nothing. "Educators must continue to socialize students of all ages about the importance of maintaining high ethical standards," (Glazer 222). The educational system is where students learn these tricks and proceed to carry them on into there professional careers. Corners are too easy to cut these days, and in order for people to keep their minds as functional as possible, they need to do their own work. It is too easy for students to buy a students paper that had the same class the quarter before, reword it a little, and turn it in as their own. Students are no longer able to write a fictional story by themselves because the computer or someone else can do it for them. Students also begin to lose the sense of responsibility when they have other people do their work. They don't feel that they have to do anything to pass a class, only that as long as they turn in a paper, their thoughts or not, they will receive credit for the assignment along with a passing grade. This creates the feeling that life will always be a handed to them on a silver platter. This type of thinking is what is going into the work environment when these people leave the education system.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Public Schools in Jordan

Is our Jordanian government doing its Job when it comes to education? Are we getting the best out of each Individual, or are public educational systems failing their students? It Is rather obvious that public schools are not meeting the needs of each child, and as a result children end up losing their eagerness to learn. It Is fairly disappointing to realize that the majority of Jordanian students are much more concerned about scoring high grades than about learning.Public schools are falling their students and are considered inferior because of three major issues: individualized teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and the negligence of creativity and individuality. The first reason behind the inferiority of public Jordanian schools is their poorly qualified teachers. According to Professor Richard M. Engineers, University of Pennsylvania: â€Å"There has been a great deal of controversy over what kinds of preparation are necessary for teachers to be considered qualified. Highly quali fied' teachers are those with a college degree, a teaching certificate, and competence in their subjects. † Those three qualifications are rarely present within the same teacher. Moreover, a teaching certificate Is not even required by our Jordanian schools. Other than the absence of high standards when It comes to employing teachers, schools especially those located in remote governesses sometimes oblige their teachers to teach outside the scope of their fields, which reflects poorly on the students.Public schools' weakness lies within their assumption that anyone with a collage degree Is capable of teaching, which is not always true. A successful educator is both passionate and devoted; he inspires the child to become the best that he can possibly be. However, due to the low social standing of the teaching occupation in our community, the majority of our teachers severely lack enthusiasm. They stick to their primitive teaching methods and focus excessively on lecturing and m emorization.They rarely strive to train themselves In the different modern teaching approaches. Secondly, many problems arise when there are more students than the teacher is capable of handling all at once. Classrooms at public schools are generally overcrowded beyond the acceptable capacity. Classes can be completely full and sometimes crowded with over thirty-five students. One of those problems is, the bigger the number of the students, the larger the variance In the levels of intelligence. Some students may need a slower pace than others.At public schools, all students receive the same level of attention. There is less focus on the individual student, and teachers sometimes fail to notice when a student is struggling simply because there are thirty other students to focus on In the same class. Another problem that arises when a classroom Is overcrowded Is the Increase of the number of distractions. More students means more noise which leads to difficulties with incineration. St udents have a harder time focusing and processing Information, and teachers end up wasting time fighting over the noise. Absentia number of Jordanians are discontent with the teaching systems applied in our public schools. The teaching methods used by the majority of our educators fail at creating an environment where the child can discover and develop his own talents and passions. They fail at kindling the child's curiosity. Generally, these methods do not acknowledge the different types of intelligence; they do not allow free dialogue or exploratory learning or even team work.Teachers nonchalantly ignore the importance of creativity and imagination in the learning process; they neglect to involve the child by simply dictating information. The main issue is rooted within the rigid curricula and the standardized tests that encourage children to memorize with little emphasis on analysis and critical thinking. The answers are right or wrong, either black or white; there is no room for innovation. Students have a difficulty voicing their opinions because they have been spoon-fed facts and rules throughout their entire educational Journey.In conclusion, Jordanian public schools have many deficiencies and shortcomings that need to be properly addressed shortcomings that vary from the quality of the teachers, student to teacher ratio per class, to the traditional teaching styles that they cling to. Our government needs to take drastic measures to change what is fundamentally discrediting our public educational systems. Without the necessary measures, the Jordanian youth will not be capable of keeping up with our ever- changing world, and our potential for achieving greatness as a nation will be lost forever.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My Brother, My Executioner Essay

I – The Characters Estaquio â€Å"Istak† Salvador / Estaquio â€Å"Istak† Samson * Estaquio also known as Istak is a young man serves as an acolyte in the church in Cabugaw. He was raised by Padre Jose, a Spanish priest in Cabugaw and gave him good education about healing arts and other practical skills that made him fit to become a priest. Istak got sick during their stay in Cabugawan and that time, Capitan Gualberto Together with his Spanish official took An-no and killed him. Dalin * Dalin is a widow and became the wife of Estaquio â€Å"Istak† Salvador. She was brought by An-no together with her late husband who died in Po-on because of his illness. Dalin was the reason why Istak and An-no had some misunderstanding. During Istak’s journey together with their relatives in Po-on, Dalin was the one who led the way to Pangasinan because she was the one who is familiar to the place. Ba-ac * Ba-ac is the Father of Istak and the Wife of Mayang. He is very angry and at the same time, bitter to the Spanish Colony because of losing his one hand. Ba-ac was the one who killed the new priest in Cabugaw after he went and beg to the priest for Istak to be in the church again. He was also the one who led the journey to Pangasinan together with his family and relatives. He died during the journey because of the python who struck him. Mayang * Mayang is the Wife of Ba-ac and the mother of Istak, An-no and Bit-tik. She doesn’t want Dalin to be with Istak because Dalin was too young to be a widow. Mayang died in the journey to Pangasinan when Istak and Mayang was crossing the Agno river and the tree trunk hit the cart where in Mayang was inside that made the cart swallowed by the water raging down the river. Mariano â€Å"An-no† Salvador * An-no is the brother of Istak and Bit-tik and the Son of Mayang and Ba-ac. He was the one who brought Dalin to Po-on. An-no together with his family and relative went on a journey to Pangasinan. During their journey, He met Orang, Blas’ daughter and became his husband. An-no died because of Capitan Gualberto and other Spanish official who took him and killed him because of his father’s fault. Silvestre â€Å"Bit-tik† Salvador * Bit-tik is also the brother of Istak and An-no and the son of Mayang and Ba-ac. He also went to Pangasinan together with his family and relatives. During their stay in Rosales, Pangasinan. Bit-tik met Diego Silang during their stay in Rosales. He also has a girlfriend, Sabe, who leave Cabugawan, their new town and married a farmer from Carmay. But when An-no died, he took responsibility of the two children of his late brother and the farm. He became the husband of Orang, An-no’s wife. Orang * Orang is the daughter of Blas’ Ba-ac and Mayang’s relatives and the sister of Sabel who had an affair with Bit-tik, An-no’s brother. Orang became widowed when An-no got killed by the Spanish Officials but after the incident, she live with Bit-tik and became his wife. Padre Jose * Padre Jose is the Spanish priest who gave shelter and good education to Istak, an acolyte in the church in Cabugaw. Padre Jose helped Istak through Istak’s dream where he talked to his acolyte and gave him advice during their journey. Padre Jose served as an inspiration to Istak. He was also the one who taught many things to Istak that later on, helped Istak to overcome all the challenges and even sickness during their journey and during their stay in Cabugawan. Don Jacinto * Don Jacinto was a rich and educated man living in Rosales, Pangasinan. He was the one who helped Istak, his Family and Relatives in their daily needs in life. He was also the one who offered the land to the Family and Relatives of Istak. Don Jacinto was a good friend of Istak during the stay in Rosales, Pangasinan. He was also the one who lend Dr. Jose Rizal’s novels and even the newspaper to Istak in order for Istak understand more about the situation they’re going through that time. He is also a good friend of Apolinario Mabini who was staying with Don Jacinto. Apolinario Mabini * Apolinario is a good friend of Don Jacinto during that time. He is the cripple who asked for a favor to Istak. He was also the one who gave the job to Istak in delivering the letter to the President, Emilio Aguinaldo. Apolinario Mabini is well educated and has a passion in writing. He continued writing because he wants to encourage people to be united as one and fight against the nation’s freedom. General Pio Del Pilar * General Pio Del Pilar was a general that time who led the fight against the Americans. He was also the one whom Istak talked with regarding the letter that Apolinario Mabini sent to the President, Emilio Aguinaldo. Istak joined his army in defeating the Americans that time. II – Summary of the Novel Estaquio â€Å"Istak† Salvador is an acolyte in the church in Cabugaw. Istak served in the convent for almost ten years. His mentor, Padre Jose was the one who gave him shelter, food and even good education which made Istak fluent in Filipino, Latin and Spanish and even familiar with practical skills and medicine. With Istak’s knowledge, he was fit to be a priest and someday, Padre Jose told him that he could go to Vigan and be serve the church there as a priest. But when the time comes, when Padre Jose was replaced by a new younger Spanish priest in Cabugaw, Istak was sent home to Po-on because the priest told him that he doesn’t need him anymore and maybe because of what Istak saw during his stay in the Church where in the new Spanish priest, having an illicit sex to one of Capitan Berong’s daughter. The time comes when the new priest told them to evacuate the land that they don’t even own. Because of this, Istak’s father, Ba-ac who is angry and bitter to the Spanish colony because of what happened to his one hand, went to Cabugaw and beg to the priest to allow them to stay in the land for just one harvest since they don’t have anything to keep if they will leave the village. He also begged to the priest to allow his son, Istak to go back to the church and serve as an acolyte again but the priest doesn’t allow them. During that time, Ba-ac was surprised to find out that the priest he was talking was the one who ordered his official to looped Ba-ac’s hand until it became numb. Due to Ba-ac’s anger, he killed the young Spanish priest with the use of a silver crucifix. With this, he was forced to move out to Po-on immediately together with his family and relatives. He went to a journey to Pangasinan in order for him to escape the punishment of the Spanish government to him. During their preparation for the upcoming escape in po-on, An-no, brought Dalin together with her sick husband to the village and eventually died because of the illness. The Family and Relatives of Ba-ac immediately moved out the village except for Istak who refused to go with them. But when the Spanish officials reached Po-on, everyone left except for Istak that made his life in danger. He was closer to death that time but luckily, Dalin went to him and saved him. Their journey starts which led by Dalin and Istak who are familiar with the road. They also met Blas and his daughters during the journey to Pangasinan. During their voyage, they’ve been through a lot of challenges. One of Istak’s relatives got killed because of the encounter of the Bagos. Ba-ac also died during the journey to Pangasinan because of the Python who waited and attacked him. When they reach the Agno River, an unexpected situation happened when Istak together with Mayang, his mother was crossing the river then suddenly a huge tree trunk hit the cart where Mayang was staying that caused Istak’s mother’s death. They finally reached Rosales, Pangasinan through journeying for almost two weeks. When they reached Rosales, the people living their told them to go to Don Jacinto, a well known man in the place and ask for some help. Istak never wasted a chance, instead, he went to Don Jacinto’s house in Rosales, Pangasinan and asked for some help. Don Jacinto didn’t hesitate to help them. He gave a land to them where they can start their new life. Istak’s family and relatives called their new village, Cabugawan, since they are from Cabugaw. They lived in Cabugawan for almost ten years. During their stay, Istak and Dalin got married and had two sons namely, Antonio and Pedro. An-no and Orang also lived together but An-no died because of the Spanish officials and Capitan Gualberto who took him. Later on, Bit-tik and Orang lived together and Bit-tik took the responsibility of his brother’s children. Istak became close to Don Jacinto and soon enough, he also became close to Apolinario Mabini, Don Jacinto’s friend. That time, Mabini was sick and Istak gave him some medicines for him to drink. As time goes by, Istak earned the trust of Don Jacinto and Apolinario Mabini. He was asked by Mabini to send the letter to the President, Emilio Aguinaldo. During Istak’s trip, he experienced problems because of the Americans who were in the country that time. In Istak’s trip, he encountered American officials who shot his horse, Kimat. He also encountered problems where American burned the whole village and killed all the people there. He finally reached a village where General Del Pilar was. Istak lost the letter addressed to the president but instead, he told the General about the letter of Mabini, what he really wants for the country to be united as one. But Gen Del Pilar was not convinced and he sent Istak home. Istak never went home but instead, he stayed and joined General Pio Del Pilar’s army against the American soldiers. III – Analysis of the Novel A. Literary Analysis Characters Estaquio â€Å"Istak† Salvador/ Estaquio â€Å"Istak† Samson * Estaquio Salvador is the Major/Central Character in the Novel, Po-on by F. Sionil Jose. He was the one who resolves the conflict between Ba-ac and the Spanish Officials by leaving Po-on and gives information to his family and relatives of what he have learned during his stay in the convent and his journey with Padre Jose. Istak Salvador is also the Protagonist in the Novel since he was the one who faced the conflict during the time where the new priest wanted them to banished in Po-on and he was also the one who faced and experience situations where in he almost died. Istak is also a dynamic character since he changes his personality during the period. At first, he was contented in healing, teaching his fellow villagers but as time goes by, when he was asked to deliver the letter to the president and when he met Gen. Del Pilar, He leave what he used to do way back to Rosales and began to join the army to fight with the Americans. Ba-ac * Ba-ac, the father of Istak, Bit-tik and An-no, and the wife of Mayang is the Major/Central Character in the novel. He was the one who somehow resolves the conflict between him, Istak’s and the new Spanish priest in Cabugaw by begging the new priest to accept Istak in the convent. He was also the one who lead Po-on villagers to leave the village. Dalin * Dalin, a widow and the wife of Istak played as a Minor Character in the Novel, Po-on. In the novel, Dalin was the one who helped Istak and the Po-on villagers by leading the way to Pangasinan since she was familiar with the place. Mayang, An-no, Bit-tik, Orang * Mayang, the wife of Ba-ac, An-no and Bit-tik, the sons of Mayang and Ba-ac and Orang serve as Minor Characters in the novel. They were the one who helped Istak, Ba-ac and fellow Po-on villagers in journeying the land of Pangasinan. Padre Jose * Padre Jose, a Spanish priest in Cabugaw serves a Minor Character in the novel. He was the one who helped Istak by giving him enough education, teaching him about medicine and other practical skills and by teaching him different languages such as Spanish and Latin. He akso helped Istak during their journey when he appeared in Istak’s dream. The journey that Padre Jose and Istak had also helped Istak in journeying their way to pangasinan since Istak became familiar with the roads they are seeking that time. Don Jacinto and Apolinario Mabini * Don Jacinto, a well known man in Rosales, Pangasinan serves as a Minor Character in the novel. He helped Istak during their stay in Rosales, Pangasinan. He even gave lands to the Po-on Villagers. Don Jacinto also helped Istak to broaden his learning when it comes to the social situations in the country by lending him newspapers and other materials that Dr. Jose Rizal wrote. Apolinario Mabini, Don Jacinto’s close friend and became Istak’s friend also serves as a Minor Character in the Novel. Apolinario helped Istak during his stay in Rosales by giving writings that helped Istak in understanding the situations in the country. New Priest in Cabugaw and Capitan Gualberto * They serve as the antagonists in the novel, Po-on. The new priest was the one who ordered to loop Ba-ac’s hand and the one who want to banished the villagers in Po-on and other villages in Cabugaw. Capitan Gualberto serves as an antagonist in the novel because he was the one who seek for Ba-ac’s family in Rosales, Pangasinan and the one who killed An-no as a payment for Ba-ac’s mistake. Plot The event in the novel, Po-on by F. Sionil happened from 1880 to 1889. During this time, the Salvador Family together with their relatives who live in the village abandoned their beloved village, Po-on because of the sin that Ba-ac, the father of Istak, An-no and Bit-tik and the Husband of Mayang committed when he killed the new priest after realizing that he was the one who ordered to loop Ba-ac’s hand until it became numb. When Salvador Family and other Po-on villagers leave Po-on, Istak, the acolyte who served for more than 10 years in the convent in Cabuyaw intended to stay in the village, hoping that the Spanish officials will accept and understand what happened in the convent. Unfortunately, Istak got nearly killed by the Spanish Officials and the Village was burned and turned into ashes. Dalin waited for Istak and was the one who took care of him when he got almost killed by those Officials. The Po-on Villagers leave Cabugaw and took the journey to Pangasinan where they can start their lives again and for them to escape the cruelty of those Spanish officials who are looking for Ba-ac. During their journey to Pangasinan, they encountered many challenges that tested their patience, unity and strength. During their voyage, they encountered Capitan Gualberto who once checked the carts of the Po-on Villagers. When they reached the mountain, they encountered Bagos who killed a Po-on Villager uring the attack. Their journey to the mountain became difficult for the villagers. Ba-ac was killed during the journey to the mountain when a Python waited for the right moment to strike on its prey. Istak, who noticed that his father was no longer seated in the cart went back to check for his father but he found out that the Python was crushing the body of Ba-ac that caused his death. The Villagers now reached the Agno River but the current of the water is too fast that caused Mayang’s death when she and Istak finally crossing the river then suddenly, a tree trunk hit their cart. Salvador Brothers namely Istak, An-no and Bit-tik, together with their relatives now reached Rosales, Pangasinan. During their Arrival, the people in Rosales told the po-on villagers to ask Don Jacinto for help. Istak doesn’t hesitate to go and ask for Don Jacinto’s help and luckily, they were given a land to develop and claim it as their own, and named their land, Cabugawan. During their stay in Cabugawan, Istak are doing some healing to those who are sick. That time, a harmful disease was spreading in the nearby town that made Cabugawan Villagers threatened. As time goes by, the Spanish officials together with Capitan Gualberto reached the place where the Po-on villagers are staying. During that time, Istak got sick and he was too weak to function. When he finally recover from his Illness, Dalin, now his wife told him that these officials took An-no and killed him as the payment for what their father did way back in Cabugaw. During their stay in Rosales, Istak became closer to Don Jacinto and Apolinario Mabini, Don Jacinto’s good friend. Istak worked for Apolinario Mabini that time as the one who writes the draft made by Apolinario. As time goes by, the trust between Istak, Apolinario and Don Jacinto became stronger that made Apolinario trust Istak with the letter to be delivered to the President of the Philippines, Emilio Aguinaldo. When Istak journeyed to the location of the President of the Philippines, he encountered Americans who killed people in the village and Burned the whole village. The horse lend by Don Jacinto was shot during his encounter with the Americans that made Istak walked on the road and even in the mountains. He finally reached a village where he can buy a horse and that time, he met General Pio Del Pilar who lead the Filipino army against the Americans. Istak told the General about the letter for the president given by Apolinio Mabini that was lost. General Del Pilar asked Istak to leave the village immediately but Istak stayed and finally realized to join the army of General Pio Del Pilar. Setting The event in Po-on happened in Ilocos Region and the Cordillera Mountain Range. Po-on was in Cabugaw, Ilocos. When Istak’s family and relatives went to Pangasinan, they settled in Rosales. It all happened during the last few years of the Spanish Colonization and few months of American period. Point of View Estaquio, also known as Istak is the third person who is talking in the novel, Po-on. He was the one who narrates what happened when he and Padre Jose had their journey, and when they had a conversation in his dream. Estaquio also portrayed the first person in the novel because at some point, he was the one narrating what happened during his and Padre Jose’s journey. The author, F. Sionil Jose is the third person talking in the novel because he is the one who narrates the story by this personal point of view. Dalin, Istak’s wife portrayed the third person in the novel because there is time where she narrates what happened to her life during her voyage with her parents. Theme The theme of the novel, Po-on by F. Sionil Jose is the birth of the Philippine nation and the awakening of the Filipino citizens regarding the situations of the country during the Spanish and American Period. The theme of the novel is also the suffering of the people and the will of God. B. Sociological Analysis The political and social situations revolved in the novel, Po-on were the Spanish and Americans who claimed the Filipinos’ land, as their own land and how those people who called themselves superiors act in the society. The officials during that time only think about theirselves and how they will inherit all the lands in the country. Those officials who treated theirselves as superiors did everything that they can do to the citizens in the Philippines. They don’t have any respect to the people in the country especially to the women who were abused by those officials. C. Values The values that were present in the novel are the uniqueness of each person, empowerment, learning community and delight in the spiritual adventure with god. The uniqueness of each person portrayed in the novel serves as a big help for them to overcome all the challenges in life. This uniqueness includes the ability of each person to do everything that will make his/her life more meaningful, the strength and patience of each person experiencing challenges. The learning community is also present in the novel since the people in Po-on and now based in Cabugawan, Rosales, Pangasinan learned new techniques in handling their new life in Pangasinan. The people in Cabugawan learned to enhance their skills when it comes to field works. Lastly, the delight in the spiritual adventure with God is also present in the novel since Istak and other Po-on natives have a strong belief with God and offer their selves to the purpose of god for their lives. These values relate to the core values in Assumption College because just like the people portrayed in the novel, the core values of Assumption also portrayed the students and faculty when it comes to the morals of Assumption College. D. The Image of the Woman The images of the women portrayed in the novel are strong and very independent when it comes to field works. Dalin showed how strong she is when it comes to challenges. She had been through a lot of challenges in life that tested her patience and strength. Orang, Blas’ daughter also showed strength when she was took advantage by the Spanish officials. Despite of what happened to her, she remained strong. Mayang, Ba-ac’s wife also showed strength when Ba-ac died. She is also independent when it comes to her works in the village. These women were not respected by the Spanish officials that time. That time, they were inferior to the eyes of these officials. E. Relevance In the novel, Po-on, some of the situations happened that time were also present in the society today. It showed how people were abused, were not respected by those people who think they are superior. As a woman, the situation happened during Dalin and Orang’s time struck me because nowadays, it is still happening in the society. Women are abused by men, trying to get the dignity of these women. The social issues happened that time is also present in our society today. The Spanish officials present in the novel can be portrayed by the government officials who are present today. They have somehow the same traits; Acting as if they are superiors, as if they own the lives of the people in the society. The novel imparted the people nowadays how those people present during that time feel and experience. IV – Conclusion All in all, the novel, Po-on written by F. Sionil Jose portrayed the life of Istak and the Cabugawan Villagers in their newly hometown, Rosales in Pangasinan. After so many years of healing and teaching, Istak finally realized that he will just forget the things he used to do in Cabugawan and joined the army of General Pio Del Pilar who are against the Americans. Istak finally joined the army and leave his fate to God’s hand. Istak didn’t even bother going back to Cabugawan when General Pio Del Pilar asked him to. He finally forgets all the things he used to do in his hometown and do what is right for the country.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Question of Cloning essays

The Question of Cloning essays Before I ever heard the presentation that was given on technology and cloning I already believed that we were getting dangerously close to trying to play God in our society today. During the presentation the group posed the question Are we trying to play God? In the presentation the group showed a tape of one of the group members asking random people if they thought cloning was a good idea. Every person that I can remember at some point in their answer said that it was a dangerous thing to try to mess with the creation process and in some sense try to play God. I agree totally with the people in that tape and I believe that as Christians we have to speak out about this matter and let people know the dangers of cloning. The fact that it is very dangerous to try to play God is definitely the biggest factor in me not agreeing with cloning, but it is definitely not the only factor that makes cloning a bad idea. In the cloning of the sheep Dolly I believe that it took a few tries before they got the process right. This presents the question Are we willing to take the chance of this not working? I believe that we can definitely not afford to just treat humans like some kind of lab rat. It seems to me that everyone has these perceptions that if you were to even accomplish cloning a human that it would look exactly like the person being cloned. The fact is that if you look at how Dolly the sheep ended up looking, she had a totally different colored face than her mom. So even if you wanted a clone of yourself it might end up looking like a totally different race. The bottom line is that this is just morally wrong and it is sad that our society even contemplates doing this to humans. Technology is a powerful thing and the more it grows the more things like this will come up. We might not be able to stop cloning from happening, but we can warn people of the dangers. This I believe is the only thing we can do to ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A library of ancient information

The totality of an organism’s genes is known as its genome and since each gene provides the instructions for making a specific protein, the genome can be thought of as a collection or library of instruction manuals for producing all the proteins necessary for an organism to function normally and survive (Krogh, 2003). This collection though, is not one that is built up as the organism grows but rather, one that is inherited from the organism’s parents. Human beings have 46 sets of these instruction manuals called chromosomes. Chromosomes come in pairs but during reproduction, only half of each pair is passed on by each parent to their offspring so that the offspring would likewise end up having a total of 46 chromosomes (Krogh, 2003). This goes on for each new generation of offspring produced and so if we try to trace things back we can imagine how we have, for example, inherited the gene for our particular hair color from either our mother or father, and how they in turn have likewise inherited theirs from either of their parents. Going a long way back towards our ancestors’ generation, we can therefore imagine ourselves as having inherited inside us a library of ancient instruction manuals which tell our body how to produce proteins practically the same way that they have been produced in our ancestors. Naturally though it would be expected that during the course of time, modifications may have been made in these instructions but the fact still remains that these basic instructions were passed on from one generation to the next so that the information it carries may serve succeeding generations. A library of ancient information The totality of an organism’s genes is known as its genome and since each gene provides the instructions for making a specific protein, the genome can be thought of as a collection or library of instruction manuals for producing all the proteins necessary for an organism to function normally and survive (Krogh, 2003). This collection though, is not one that is built up as the organism grows but rather, one that is inherited from the organism’s parents. Human beings have 46 sets of these instruction manuals called chromosomes. Chromosomes come in pairs but during reproduction, only half of each pair is passed on by each parent to their offspring so that the offspring would likewise end up having a total of 46 chromosomes (Krogh, 2003). This goes on for each new generation of offspring produced and so if we try to trace things back we can imagine how we have, for example, inherited the gene for our particular hair color from either our mother or father, and how they in turn have likewise inherited theirs from either of their parents. Going a long way back towards our ancestors’ generation, we can therefore imagine ourselves as having inherited inside us a library of ancient instruction manuals which tell our body how to produce proteins practically the same way that they have been produced in our ancestors. Naturally though it would be expected that during the course of time, modifications may have been made in these instructions but the fact still remains that these basic instructions were passed on from one generation to the next so that the information it carries may serve succeeding generations.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Renoir Etching and Drypoint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Renoir Etching and Drypoint - Essay Example Their dresses have been engraved with lines that look wiry and have ends that taper. All other features of on these women depict the same quality of lines. Taking a closer look at the lines, they portray rough scratches made by some sharp pointed object. These lines have been repeatedly scratched on the plate so as to come up with complete images. The objects on the background, seemingly children playing, reveal this act of scratching without leaving distinct lines on the images. Furthermore, the ridges left after the engraving process are not very regular and deep. The burr, it seems, was not removed during the entire process of incising. From far, an audience may be under the impression that this piece of art is drawing; which is not the case. It is only a colorless ‘dry point’ that can create such a shadowy scratch on a plate. Nonetheless, the use ‘dry point’ has given the picture a feathery touch that may be attractive to most

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Starting with approximately 1900 and going to the present, how has Essay - 2

Starting with approximately 1900 and going to the present, how has international relations changed over this period Identify the major changes. What do you think are the main causes of those changes - Essay Example This war changed the concept of sovereignty, concept of national interests, nature of international conflicts and means of achieving an end to conflicts. The first major change in international relations was changes in politico-geographic settings. The global politico-geographical environments have changed from the settings of the 1900s. Powerful countries such as England, Germany and France were involved in the division of continents in order to advance their interests (Griffiths and O’Callaghan 45). After the first and second world wars, these countries were faced with a challenge of managing their colonies. As the colonizers left their colonies, the emerging countries began to assert their influence. In addition, the political-geographic settings have changed because of exponential growth in global population. Before the First World War, Europe decided on the issues of global peace and war. European countries such as Germany, England, France, Portugal and Italy had the influential powers to determine the future of the world. International was dominated and centered in Europe. The Second World War led to a change in political dynamics after Italy, Germany and Japan were defeated. The international centers of political power shifted from their European base to the U.S and Russia. The European powerhouses were weakened and could no longer maintain and manage their overseas colonies. Because of decolonization, several states emerged in Africa and Asia. This also introduced a new dynamic in international relations because the number of member states to the United Nations increased from 51 to 155 (Griffiths and O’Callaghan 162). The character of current international relations was influenced by these changes. Currently, all states insist on active participation in international relations . The second major change in international relations is the democratization of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Architectural Analysis of Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art Essay

Architectural Analysis of Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - Essay Example â€Å"Steven Holl Architects’ extension to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City has torn up the rule book of established codes of extension conduct and transformed the existing building into one of the most exciting exhibition spaces we’ve seen. The existing Nelson-Atkins museum is a ceremonial, classical structure – all colonnades, porticos and grand facades, sitting atop the undulating hillocks looking down on Kansas City. When in 1999, Steven Holl Architects entered the competition to build a suitable extension, it was the only firm daring enough to tamper with the existing facade and not hide its proposed structure in the shadow of the grand building. And it clearly paid off† (Yanko Design, 2007). In order to understand the choices that went into the Bloch Building, it is essential to understand architectural theory, philosophy, phenomenology and structuralism. Interpretive Strategies of Architecture as Art Though a kaleidoscopic array of the ories exist on the matter of architecture, three should suffice. By far the most important is the architects' theory: Stephen Holls', as explicated in his 2009 Urbanisms: Working with doubt. Holls' philosophy here is that urban planning in the 21st century faces qualitatively new techniques. He argues that the attempt to break down all architecture to quantitative mathematical analysis is quixotic and counter-productive; instead, architects must â€Å"work with† and manage doubt in increasingly complex cityscapes by managing Fragments, Porosity, Insertions, Precious and Fusion elements. Holls emphasizes phenomenology here. He argues, â€Å"It is odd that few urban planners speak of the important phenomenological characteristics determining the qualities of urban life – spatial energy and mystery, qualities of light, color, sound and smell. The subjectivity of urban experience must be held in equal importance to the objective and practical† (2009, pg. 16). Holl a rgues that, just as the brain has a rational left side and a creative right side, so too must urban planners synthesize art and science, and urban planning must represent both the vagaries of subjective psychology and the rationality of controlled and planned spaces created by mathematical-scientific intervention. What is phenomenology? â€Å""The philosophical movement that concentrates on the study of consciousness and its immediate objects† (Lecture 2). The distinction is complex. In essence, since the skeptical revolution of Hume, wherein it was demonstrated that it is impossible to philosophically know any empirical fact (such as that gravity follows the inverse square or that billiards bounce the way a pool shark knows they do) because of the limits of inductive logic and the fact that to generalize from the past to the future requires an untestable assumption: That the past is like the future (Hume, 1910). Kant then argued that not only was it impossible to know the na ture of things, their ontology, but in fact human beings could never get access to ontological truth. Just as a camera takes an image of the world but that photograph it produces is not the same as the world it represents (â€Å"Ceci pas un pipe†), the human eye makes a model of the real world, a model that psychology has increasingly come to realize is a highly specific one with many features jettisoned for ease of processing. That model is not the real world, so no matter how precise our instrumentation or perceptions, we are never seeing things as they are. Thus, Kant argued that the study of ontology was impossible, and sharply cut it off from the study of phenomenology, which Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre later developed (Lecture 2). What does this have to do with architecture? Holl's argument is only

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATITVE RESEARCH METHODS What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? In a nutshell, quantitative research generates numerical data or information that can be converted into numbers. Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-numerical data. Many times those that undertake a research project often find theyare notaware of the differences between Qualitative Researchand Quantitative Research methods. Many mistakenly think the two terms can be used interchangeably. So what is the difference between Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research? Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews, and participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfill a given quota. Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into useable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations. Snap Survey Software is the ideal solution for a Quantitative Research tool where structured techniques such as large numbers of respondents and descriptive findings are required. Snap Survey Software has many robust features that will help your organization effectively gather and analyze quantitative data Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Methods The similarities and differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods can be confusing. Here is a simplified explanation. In quantitative research, you generally end up with data reduced to numbers, which are analyzed using statistics. Frequently, quantitative research is used to support or expand a theory that already exists. In qualitative research, you usually dont end up with numbers. Instead, you will describe and analyze a phenomenon using words. Sometimes, qualitative research is used to develop new theory that didnt exist before. The first thing to do in any research project is conceive, clarify and write a research question. After composing the research question, you compose a research plan, which includes the research method or methods you think would be best in answering the question. Quantitative and Qualitative Research What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research? In a nutshell, quantitative research generates numerical data or information that can be converted into numbers. Qualitative Research on the other hand generates non-numerical data. Only measurable data are being gathered and analyzed in quantitative research. Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements. Gathered information is then analyzed in an interpretative manner, subjective, impressionistic or even diagnostic. Here’s a more detailed point-by-point comparison between the two types of research: 1. Goal or Aim of the Research Quantitative Research on the other hand focuses more in counting and classifying features and constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. Qualitative Quantitative Hypothesis Broad Narrow Description Whole picture Focused Type of Research Exploratory Conclusive 2. Usage Qualitative Research is ideal for earlier phases of research projects while for the latter part of the research project, Quantitative Research is highly recommended. Quantitative Research provides the researcher a clearer picture of what to expect in his research compared to Qualitative Research. Qualitative Quantitative Phase Early Late 3. Data Gathering Instrument The researcher serves as the primary data gathering instrument in Qualitative Research. Here, the researcher employs various data-gathering strategies, depending upon the thrust or approach of his research. Examples of data-gathering strategies used in Qualitative Research are individual in-depth interviews, structured and non-structured interviews, focus groups, narratives, content or documentary analysis, participant observation and archival research. On the other hand, Quantitative Research makes use of tools such as questionnaires, surveys, measurements and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable data. 4. Type of Data The presentation of data in a Qualitative Research is in the form of words (from interviews) and images (videos) or objects (such as artifacts). If you are conducting a Qualitative Research what will most likely appear in your discussion are figures in the form of graphs. However, if you are conducting a Quantitative Research, what will most likely appear in your discussion are tables containing data in the form of numbers and statistics. 5. Approach Qualitative Research is primarily subjective in approach as it seeks to understand human behavior and reasons that govern such behavior. Researchers have the tendency to become subjectively immersed in the subject matter in this type of research method. In Quantitative Research, researchers tend to remain objectively separated from the subject matter. This is because Quantitative Research is objective in approach in the sense that it only seeks precise measurements and analysis of target concepts to answer his inquiry. Determining Which Method Should Be Used Debates have been ongoing, tackling which method is better than the other. The reason why this remains unresolved until now is that, each has its own strengths and weaknesses which actually vary depending upon the topic the researcher wants to discuss. This then leads us to the question â€Å"Which method should be used?† If your study aims to find out the answer to an inquiry through numerical evidence, then you should make use of the Quantitative Research. However, if in your study you wish to explain further why this particular event happened, or why this particular phenomenon is the case, then you should make use of Qualitative Research. Some studies make use of both Quantitative and Qualitative Research, letting the two complement each other. If your study aims to find out, for example, what the dominant human behavior is towards a particular object or event and at the same time aims to examine why this is the case, it is then ideal to make use of both methods.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mafia - A History Essay -- essays research papers

Throughout history, crime has existed in many different forms and has been committed by not only individuals, but by groups as well. Crime is something that knows no boundaries; it exists in all cultures, is committed by all races, and has existed in all time periods. Crime exists as a part of the economic institution and is a lifestyle for many people. Crime also exists in both organized and un organized forms. Since the early 1900's, "organized" crime has existed in the United States. The following will show where, when, and why the Mafia came to the United States, who organized it in the United States, and how it differed from its origins in the European mafia. By showing this you will see how this specific type of organized crime has In the ninth century, Arab forces occupied Sicily. The native Sicilians were oppressed and took refuge in the surrounding hills. The Sicilians formed a secret society to unite the natives against the Arab and Norman invaders. This secret so ciety was called Mafia after the Arabic word for refuge. The society's intentions were to create a sense of family based on ancestry and Sicilian heritage. In the 1700's, pictures of a black hand were distributed to the wealthy. This was an unspoken request for an amount of money in return for protection. If the money was not paid, the recipients could expect violence such as kidnappings, bombings, and murder. By the nineteenth century, this society grew larger and more criminally oriented. In 1876, Mafia Don Rafael Palizzolo, ran for political office in Sicily. He forced the voters to vote for him under gunpoint. After being elected into office, he promoted Mafia Don Crispi as Prime Minister. Together the two put Sicily under government control and funneled government funds to the society known as the Mafia. In the 1800's, New Orleans was the largest Mafia site in the United States. It was while investigating the murder of an Italian immigrant that the current Police Chief, David H ennessey discovered the existence of this secret society. Police Chief Hennessey was assassinated before this murder case could go to trial. Twelve men were charged with this assassination but were lynched by a newly formed vigilante group. The Italian Ambassador demanded that the vigilantes be tried. President Harrison who disproved of the vigilantes and gave a large cash settlement to the families ... ...ia consists of a large group of glorified thieves, pickpockets and murderers. Although it began with the adoption of much of the Sicilian heritage it has evolved into an organization that's sole purpose is to make money using any illegal means possible. The members of the American Mafia use extortion, bootlegging, prostitution, gambling, kidnapping, and murder to achieve their ends. The above research has shown that the Mafia has become a wide spread problem. The Mafia has continued to grow and infest our society from the early 1900's. It continues to exploit and destroy the honest citizens of our country. Now, these criminal organizations not only control the adults of our communities but also have begun, through the sale and distribution of narcotics, to control our children. Crime organizations must be stopped however this is a difficult task. They have infiltrated members of our government and law enforcement agencies with the lure of money. Unfortunately, crime does pay in m any instances. It is up to each of us to not look the other way, but be aware that there are really no victimless crimes. One way or another, we all pay either by higher taxes or by a more violent society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Media : empowering women in globalize world Essay

â€Å"Women must not accept; she must challenge she must not be awed by that it has been built up around her she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression†. -Margaret Sanger â€Å"There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing.† – Swami Vivekananda Media is a part of culture and society. It is widely accepted that media are transmitters of culture and engines behind globalizing cultures. We live in a globalizing age in which people around the world participate in a single information order. Because of globalization and the power of internet,  people from Caracas to Cairo are able to receive the same popular music, news, films and television programs. There is a clear intersection between women’s empowerment and media development in the globalizing world. Media were explicitly implicated in the second and third waves of women’s empowerment. The proliferation of media, the explosion of new technologies and the emergence of social media in many parts of the world have provided multiple sources for access to gender related information and knowledge. While inequalities and gender stereotypes exist in social structures and the minds of people, media have the potential to propagate and perpetuate or ameliorate these. S o, media workers can play an important role in opening up thinking of gender equality and gender-based stereotypes through media. Before discussing the topic â€Å"Media: empowering women in a globalize world†- it is important to define the concept of ‘media’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘globalization’ What is media? The term media is defined as a means of communication that operates on a large scale, reaching and involving virtually everyone in the society to a greater or lesser degree. Media feed the people with the latest information and create the need for change in contemporary society. Media plays a vital role in dissemination of information. Media is the today’s most powerful vehicle in molding of beliefs, attitudes, values and lifestyles. By becoming more gender aware in content and language, media can present a clearer and more accurate picture of the roles and responsibilities of both men and women in the society. It also paved the way for greater courage of human rights issues, and the condition of marginalized social groups. Media: Types and Influences Media has become an integral part of our lives and cannot be separated from our lives. The media include a wide variety of forms including print media, electronic media and new age media. Print media includes newspapers, books and pamphlets. Electronic media includes television and radio while the new age media include the internet and mobile phones. It is worth remembering  that there have been three recent revolutions in the history, i.e. agrarian revolution in farming, industry revolution & mass production and information revolution that provides global access. We are now in the midst of information revolution. Due to continuing developments in media technology, we are flooded by a huge volume of non-stop information. Media technologies allow us to take part ‘virtually ‘in occasions and activities in other parts of the world. Definition of empowerment of Women Empowerment is about people- women and men- taking control over their lives, setting their own agendas, gaining skills, building self-confidence, participating in decision-making process and solving problems. Empowerment requires having access to and control over resources and the benefits that are derived from development efforts. It is both a process and an outcome. Economic empowerment of women means – ensure women’s full participation in mainstream economic activities including decision making, implementation, access & control and enjoy equal benefits. Social empowerment of women means – the transformation of attitudes and beliefs about the rights, roles and capacities of women has enabled them to participate more fully in various spheres of life. Political empowerments of women means- take positive discrimination measures for women to ensure equal participation of women in politics. WHAT IS GLOBALIZATION? Globalization means to know about the social, political and economic empowerment of the women through their status. Globalization is a mode of sharing of the experiences, exchange of ideas, technology and network of the institutions and organizations through bilateral and multilateral arrangements. There are various means by which globalization mitigate the cross border problems with the help of air planes, telephone services, e-mails and instant capital flows. Globalization strengthening partnerships with civil society, particularly women organizations. It is the phenomenon of increased integration of the world economy as evidenced by the international trade and factor mobility. In the feminist analysis of  globalization, two views are existent regarding the impact of globalization on women and these reveal two divert directions: (1)The critics of globalization. These views identified four major criticisms. These include: The gendered division of labor Women’s marginalization in the informal sector of the economy The exploitative nature of Multi-National Corporations Negative impact of Structural Adjustment programmes imposed in the name of globalization. (2)The second believe that are many positives and advantages for women bringing about women’s advancement. These including: Enhanced employment opportunities for women Helping to ease the problem of poverty Strengthening women’s networks Improving the access of women to health, micro-credit, employment opportunities and information in general. Globalization and the Media Until the 1970s, the media industry was differentiated into distinct sectors-for the most part, cinema, print media, radio and television broadcasting all operated independently of one another. In the past three decades, profound transformations have taken place within the media industry. National markets have given way to a fluid global market, while new technologies have led to the fusion of forms of media that were once distinct. By the start of the twenty-first century, the global media market was dominated by a group of about twenty multinational corporations whose role in the production, distribution and marketing of news and entertainment of news could be felt in almost every country in the world. These are the six major shifts that have contributed to bringing about the global media order: †¢Increasing concentration of ownership: The global media is now dominated by a small number of powerful corporations. Small-scale, independent media companies have gradually been incorporated into highly centralized media conglomerates. †¢A shift from public to private ownership: In the past few decades, the  liberalization of the business environment and the relaxing of regulations has led to the privatizations of media companies in many countries. †¢Transnational corporation structures: Media companies no longer operate strictly within national boundaries. Likewise, media ownership rules have been loosened to allow cross-border investment and acquisition. †¢Diversification over a variety of media products: The media industry has diversified and is much less segmented than in previous times. Enormous media conglomerates, such as AOL-Time warner profiled below, produce and distribute a mix of media content, including music, news, print media and television programming. †¢A growing number of corporate media mergers: There has been a trend towards alliances between companies in different segments of the media industry. Telecommunication firms, computer hardware and software manufactures and media content producers are increasingly involved in corporate mergers as media forms become increasingly integrated. †¢Contribution to the women’s empowerment: Today, media has an important role to play – to create awakening in women to achieve their potential as the prime movers of change in society. Gender sensitive indicators for media 76% of the people heard or read about in the world’s news are male. The world seen in news media remains largely a male one.† –Who Makes the News, Global Media Monitoring Project, 2010 The aim of the Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Media (GSIM) is to contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in and through media of all forms, irrespective of the technology used. The media are a channel to examine the right to freedom of opinion and expression. For empowerment efforts to be successful, women must be able to exercise their rights in the same manner and to the same extent as their male counterparts. Yet, being able to exercise a universally declared human right is insufficient for empowerment. Allowing women access to communication systems, such as media, does not guarantee that their opinions will be expressed equally or that their participation in the media will be mainstreamed: stereotyping and alienation of women by the media are still remarkably widespread phenomena (WACC 2010). According to the International Federation of Journalists (2009), â€Å"If we continue at the current rate of progress, it will take another 75 years to achieve gender equality in media.† Indicators pertaining to gender equality measure the extent to which women participate and are fairly represented in the media. Two main categories make up the gender sensitive indicators for media. These are: Category A: Actions to foster gender equality within media organizations Gender balance at decision-making level. Gender equality in work and working conditions. Gender equality in unions, associations, clubs and organizations of journalists, other media professionals and media self-regulatory bodies. Media organizations promote ethical codes and policies in favor of gender equality in media content. Gender balance in education and training. Category B: Gender portrayal in media content Gender portrayal in news & current affairs. Gender portrayal in advertising. Media’s Role in empowerment of women in a globalize world Communication is extremely important for women’s development and media play significant role. Growths of women’s education and their entries into employment have contributed to the growth of media. In all spheres of life whether for controlling population growth, spread of literacy or improving quality of life for vast masses, women have crucial role to play. However, women can be expected to play this role when they become conscious of their strength and are not deliberately marginalized by male domination. In this context, media has an important role to play – to create awakening in women to achieve their potential as the prime movers of change in society. In  today’s world, print, electronic and social media play a vital role in effectively conveying message that needs to be conveyed. Electronic and Print media: Empowerment of women Electronic media such as radio and television as well as print media such as books play a vital role in empowering women. In this context, media has an important role to play – to create awakening in women to achieve their potential as the prime movers of change in society. In today’s world, print and electronic media play a vital role in effectively conveying message that needs to be conveyed. â€Å"Family, society and workplace – women journalists have to deal with all three – the family allows them to work as pilots or doctors, but not as journalists† – Participant at roundtable in Dhaka, Bangladesh In such a rapidly changing environment, women in media have a large responsibility in not only changing attitude towards women but also shaping public opinion. In today’s world, with women holding responsible position in newspapers or electronic media, their competency is extend to a wider area and a range of issues. More importantly, a woman journalist is expected to show more sensitivity to issues relating to women and to more meaningful insights and perspectives. A significant number of women journalists are very successful in magazines dealing with various problems of women and child. With sensitivity and skill for analyzing events in depth, issues such as women abuse and exploitation, harassment of women at workplace and the trauma of HIV infected women, female infanticide in rural areas find a prominent place in such magazines. The magazines deal with the issues more in depth compared to newspapers and women are considered competent to handle such stories. As per a study in the NCR there are around 900 women journalists and even in cities like Chennai the number is impressive 200. Journalism is no more a male domain. This new trend has also led to a change in the portrayal of women in the media in general and newspaper in particular. It is important to mention here the success of ‘Khabar Lahariya’. A group of eight women belonging to backward class bring out this paper from the Bundelkhand region. This paper which is being funded by an NGO was started with an aim to encourage women to fight for their own rights. Such kinds of initiative are required in every nook and corner of our country, so as to empower the women at grass root level.  But on the other hand, the risks women in the media face, both in the urban and rural areas, have also to be seriously considered. As we move down, from the metropolitan towns and the state capitals, the risks increase. In remoter rural areas a woman journalist and particularly a reporter is a novelty not easily accepted and assimilated in the social milieu. Zakia Zaki, shot dead in her home in Afganistan Nadia Sharmeen was attacked and hospitalized in Bangladesh. She was harassed because of our religious fundamentalism. Despite these environments, It is noticed that more and more young graduates are joining the journalism degree and diploma courses, with an ambition to make a mark in the profession, and quite a good proportion of them are girls. With the rapid expansion, almost a proliferation of the electronic media through satellite channels, with the popularity of the FM on the radio and with the growth of the print media, notwithstanding the electronic media, now there is a good scope for absorption of both men and women qualified journalists in various media outlets. Women, young and old, are prepared to weather the risks. The society, therefore, must make arrangements to provide adequate security to the vulnerable section of women in the media to promote their participation at all levels. At last, it can be said that, now-a-days both electronic and print media play an extremely significant role in spreading awareness, promoting alternative-empowered images of women, breaking down stereotypes and shaping mindset. Women entering the labor market are at its peak, there is increase in the number of educated women, and heightened awareness of their mobilization to fight against the unjust and discrimination. Social Media: A tool for Women Empowerment Social media play a vital role for empowering women. Social media could enhance women’s participation in economic and political life, and allows them to increase their self-expression and promote social change, and this is a strong belief that has risen up in the society. For example, large segments of the population have been empowered by the sweeping societal and political transformations in the Arab region, where women became the main drivers for regional change and more engaged in civic and political actions  and took over a leading role in the historic changes sweeping over the region. However, at the regional and global levels reached a debate about the role of social media in these transformations, making it to the policy making circles. This graph shows to what extent the following statements (below each bar) regarding women and social media are valid- Fimage When analyzing the graph, it appears that the most popular use for social media as a tool of empowerment being communication and self-expression is followed by civic participation and social change. It was found at that more men (65%) than women (62%) believed that social media can be used for the political empowerment of women (Dubai School of Government Report, 2011). Women advancement through the blogosphere Blogging has become a solitary platform for free speech in the world. Many female bloggers in the world face a unique challenge: to speak out about women’s issues often means going against the grain of family and society, but there are well-known female bloggers discussing issues unique to women. Being part of the blogosphere will create a psychological support for women who are hesitant about starting their own blog. This is a key factor in advancing women’s courage to take their own personal initiatives. Against oppression and injustice in their communities, women can freely speak out with no censorship of their voices, through their blogs. Blogs are used as public diaries where women discuss personal and public issues in their life and development. Storytelling used by women in blogs to introduce their thoughts has been proven to have its major effect. The image of woman portrayed in mainstream media is that of a submissive stereotypical image. Alternative media concept originally aroused from the mainstream media’s black out of alternative opinion. It can be defined by rediscovering the purpose of mass communication. Alternative media are media inclusive of newspapers, radio, TV, magazines, movies, internet, etc. which provide alternative information to the mainstream media in a given context, whether the mainstream media are commercial, publicly supported or government owned. The main characteristics of alternative media are: †¢ Small scale and oriented towards specific communities, possibly disadvantaged groups, respecting their diversity; †¢ Independent of state and market †¢ Horizontally structured, allowing for the facilitation of audience access and participation within the frame of democratization and multiplicity †¢ Carriers of non – dominant discourses and representations, stressing the importance of self-representation. The main objective of alternative media towards woman’s empowerment is to support social struggles, awaken women’s consciousness to their subordination, advocate and defend rights. It also aims to promote various groups reflection and popular communication.  Alternative media provides an alternative platform to voice the plight of woman against various marginalization and it connects amongst the weaker sections of the society who are deprived of their will to fight against their basic human rights. Various alternative media practices in the world: Woman’s community radio: It is a kind of alternative media effectively nurtures equality, diversity and promotes democratic values amongst women. It help in promoting the grassroots activism and gives a whole range of platform to a â€Å"feminist public sphere† and serve as tool for woman’s empowerment. World pulse magazine: It was founded in 2003 and a nonprofit NY media organization in which ground level initiatives network of people has grown into an international network connecting women across borders and building and rising pulse of women’s empowerment across the globe. Such media help woman to become voice of change. GAMCOTRAP: It is a movement organization which is abbreviated as Gambia committee on traditional practices that affect health of women and children is a space where women speak in their own language – the very personnel and intimate experiences to express the challenges they face and share the coping strategies they have employed. NYC grassroots media coalition: It is the coalition which works to build the capacity of diverse communities to communicate, collaborate and strategize ways to increase awareness and participation in independent media and social justice movements. Democracy now: An alternative news service hosted by Amy Goodman. It plays a more subtle role which serves to sow powerful seeds of misinformation in a way that the ‘compromised’ mainstream media cannot. Black music radio or pirate radio: a form of alternative media that defies narrow definitions focused on radical content and social movement. Indy media: It is the Independent Media Centre â€Å"is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate telling of the truth.† AlterNet is news-magazine and online community that challenges the right wing media in the United States. OneWorld.net: It brings together the latest news and views from over 1,600 organizations promoting human rights awareness and fighting poverty worldwide. Jay’s Leftist & â€Å"Progressive† Internet Resources Directory is a vast site. Check on the Alternative Media topic, (under Subjects), which includes magazines (such as the New Internationalist, Third World Resurgence and Resurgence), publishers, e-zines and radio/TV. Community Broadcasting Online: It provides background information and links to Australian community radio and television. Alternative Radio is a source for public affairs programming which is made available without charge to all public radio stations. The Common Dreams News Center: It provides â€Å"news & views for the progressive community† as does Z-Net and the Alternative Press Review – all are American. Z-net also has an Alternative Media Watch page. Global Voices Online: It scans the international community of bloggers to bring attention to news that otherwise might go unseen. Conclusion â€Å"If you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate an entire family†. – Mahatma Gandhi So, education is also one of the prime needs of women towards its development and empowerment in the society. With education, media can act as a platform or bridge to surpass the barrier of essential communication and